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Dear Customer
- Please order from our Valentine’s Day Collection ONLY for delivery date between 7/2 till 16/2.
- Please note that due to high volume of orders during the Valentines Day Period 10/2(MONDAY) - 14/2(FRIDAY), we are NOT able to accommodate any special request to deliver your order within specific time window. Below is our committed time for delivery during this period :
For Office Address - Anytime between 9am - 5pm (12/2 - 14/2)
For House Address - Anytime between 10am - 8pm.
For Shopping Mall / Retail Mall Address - Anytime between 10am - 8pm.
If you would like to order other category, kindly don’t hesitate to call our customer service at 0187775562/0106640589 or 01111994808 for further details.
Thanks you for your patronage and shopping with